Excused Absences
- illness
- medical/dental appointment
- death or funeral of immediate family member
note: Medical absence of more than 10 days will require a doctor's note
Per the HUSD Student/Family Handbook, Parent/guardians must contact the student’s school office to clear all absences within 72 hours of the initial absence. Absences that are not valid or that have not been excused within 72 hours are considered Truant – illegally absent.
Tardy students must report to the office for a tardy slip before report to class.
We can't excuse tardies for oversleeping, car troubles, heavy traffiic
Truancy Notification
First Notification Letter
To be classified as a truant, a student has had three (3) unexcused absences or three (3) tardies of 30 minutes or more. Education Code Section 48260.5 requires that the parent/guardian will be notified by a letter informing them of what can occur if their child is not in school.
Second Notification Letter – Truancy Meeting
If improvements in attendance have not been made, then a 2nd letter will be generated. The 2nd letter will have a time and date that you will need to meet with the principal to discuss why your student has been absent without valid reasons.
If all of the above has failed and your child is still not attending school, then your child will be referred for a School Attendance Review Board (SARB) hearing at the Hayward Police Department.
Early Student Pick-Up Anyone picking up
Anyone picking up students must:
- be on the emergency card
- have photo identification
- enter the office and personally sign-out each student
When picking up students please plan your time to comply with these requirements.
Contact Us
Julie Vereau
Attendance Clerk
Phone: (510) 723-3910 ext. 9
Please provide the following information:
- Child’s full name
- Spelling of child's last name
- Room number
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason for absence
- Your name and relationship to the student
- You phone number
Short Term Independent Study (STIS)
The purpose of Short Term Independent Study For K - 6th grade:
To enable students who are absent from school for a minimum of 5 days, not to exceed a total of 14 days in a school year. To participate in standards aligned curriculum that is comparable in quantity and quality to the coursework that they are missing due to their absence. STIS Agreement must be signed and dated by all required parties BEFORE the contract begins. All work is due to the teacher the day the student returns in order to receive Attendance credit. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Julie Vereau.